Ayon Triton the best tubes amp in the market?

Hi guys, iam trying to upgrade my system, considering another tube amp, i already own the Cayin Kt88, wondering how much better the triton is?
All the ayon amps I have heard have been excellent and excellent value. If do'nt need the power of the Triton, I suspect the Crossfire and Mercury, the pure SET amps, are the pick of the bunch. I do'nt really believe in switching between Triode and SET, it means a compromise with the output transformer windings.
Why people cannot wait to beat people up without knowing we have members from all over the world, where English is not the first language?

If you do not have positive contribution in the forum, just don't say anything then. We don't need it, and we won't miss it.

Anyway...for member Junglern:

Ayon products in general are for people who want to listen to music thru the equipments, not for listening to equipments thru the music.

So the deciding factors are: what speakers are you using, what music you listen to, size of the room, etc. and most important of all, do you want to listen to equipment or music?

I am in the market for an used Ayon Triton too. I talked to a few ex-Ayon Triton owners and they all loved it in triode mode. Interesting, they do not use power hungry, hard to drive speakers like ML or Quad or Maggie.

One upgraded to LSA, the other upgraded to VAC separates, while one other decided to go Lamm hybrid separates.

Ayon Triton doesn't seems to change hands often. It's not easy to find a good deal in the used market, and they seemed to be sold fast.

Hope this helps.

Ayon Triton doesn't seems to change hands often. It's not easy to find a good deal in the used market, and they seemed to be sold fast.
And there's good reason for that, they're great sounding amps.
Thank you, i am getting one since i had the chance of listening with the acoustic zen crescendos, what a synergy, also the CDP was ayon CD7!

I had never forget that night listening to that set up, wow wow.

On another thread last night I posted some comments about my listening experience with an Ayon Spirit-1 integrated amp if you are interested.