Krell FPB 600 or 400cx?

I own Revel Ultima Salon 2s and am looking to upgrade my amp for better performance in the low end. Right now I'm just not getting any real punch or slam in the bass dept, and I know the Salons are capable of much more. I have the opportunity to go with a fpb 600 or the 400cx for around the same price. Any thoughts? Is the extra 200 watts of power on the 600 worth losing any sonic benefits of cx? Or is the cx so superior sonically that there's no comparison?


I have owned several Krell amps and pre-amps. I love Krell performance, sound, looks and buld quality. Never had a problem. They really know how to build amps and preamps.Love their products!
I used Krell pre/power from 80s and love the excitement playing Retro/Rock n Roll/All Rounder Music ,they are aggressive sounding and squeeze your speakers making sure they sing like never before and always impress with it's dynamics.
New Krell are suppose to have improve but I am not really wooed by the built quality these days, as they are not in destructible as once thought to be.
I hope that Krell continue with the Innovation and Bring the Hi-End to No End.
I used 600c and changed to 700cx. It was a few years ago, but the cx series i find smoother and a bit darker. If using slighly bright equiptment around 600c it will prove to have a slight sting and perhaps some grain in compairson with cx.
I would go for the cx, no doubt. Even now, using Rowland Continuum, i could gladly use the 700cx or 400cx. Very nice power amps. I think you'll find the cx very nice. The only thing that i did not notice any changes in between c and cx was bass. But in the mid and treble there was obvious changes for the better. Other Krell i owned were KPS 25sc, KPS 28c and KCT.
The KPS 28c was not so much to my liking.
I would really try the cx with Classe CP-65 as i think this was a very nice pre amp.
i owed Krell FPB600 for 7years, not a single problem, enjoyed very much drive PSB Platinum T8, you could felt 20Hz, fast and very musical, i am hoping to get a mono block 600 or 650.
and upgrade to wilson Maxx2.
anyone have this combo Krell and Maxx2?
listening mostly rock/Jazz. Vinyl
The bad rap Krell got in t about being bright, sterile etc. pertained to the pre 'c' and especially 'cx' models. My 400cx is smooth & warm and still has that famous Krell slam and bass control. If you want slam and incredible lower bass extension you'll love the 400cx. When I replaced my Classe 301 with my Krell 400cx I got another half octave of low bass that was just being hinted at before.

I've also learned that the 400cx is a real chameleon. Put in a warm tube preamp up front, and that's the overall character you'll hear (plus the punch unless the pre doesn't pass it). Put in a dead neutral, highly resolving pre, and that's what the system will give you. It's a great foundation for a system.

If you are more on the neutral side, the Krell pre's with the CAST connector is a great companion choice. As Wes Phillips said when he reviewed the CAST system, it really does work to create a quieter, more open conduit. His only cautionary note was that it might be so neutral that it can sound sterile, so depends on you upstream source as to how well that works. I use a Marantz SA-7S1 CDP, which is very rich and full bodied, so that's all the warmth I need.