McIntosh MC303 vs MC402 with 501's?

Hi there AGon,

I currently have 3 MC501's across the front for home theater and am wondering about completing the setup with either an MC402 or an MC303. I know that presents a plethora of amp org options, but I am wondering sonically what people reccomend.

I know the output specs on both and that on a per channel basis the 402 seems the route to go. But after reading on forums, and reading comments from Ron C, about the actual power vs rating of the 303 is different, I'm curious.

What I really want to know is do people think it a good combo having the 303 do center and surrounds in which case I'd have a 501 for trade or sale, or do I stick with my current belief that 501's have to be the best combo in this?
videogon. will keep an eye out there. But your recommendation indeed is a 3 channel for up front. makes sense to me...but I can only afford so much.

I have the Classe SSP-800 like yourself but my amp is the Sim Titan and Dali speakers. I've been recently thinking about a new multi-ch amp just for a change of pace, maybe the MC 303 or even the Classe 5300. HT and 2ch about 50-50. How would you compare the Classe amp with the Mac amps?

Anyone else with experience, please feel free to chime in.

Thanks in advance.
Wow it took a while to respond!! Sorry. Sort of getting away from topic, but no worries.

I like both brands a lot. Great build quality, reliability, and customer service. I've owned both for years and had both companies give me replacements or repairs, with no hassle.

I was running the CA-5200 for home theater with the SSP-800 and switched to now running McIntosh MC501's for the L/C/R and an MC402 for the surrounds.

Obviously there's a single/mono amplification comparison buried within this brand comparison. I've used both B&W and Atlantic Technology on this amplification.

I like the overall McIntosh presentation a little better in my home theater. I find I can push the dynamics/volume and it is less fatiguing, and fuller in sound. That said the Classe did wonderfully. It never ran out of steam and always delivered. Vocals have historically been Classe's strongsuit in my opinion, but the McIntosh rig gives it a run for the money.I had Mac mono-blocks already, thus the transition to a Mac home theater.

I've always felt that Classe amps were a little lean in bass compared to Macs. With a good sub, which we're using anyway, no problems with music or HT, but the ever so slightly added weight of the Mac's makes for more palpable dialogue and effects in my experience.

You really wouldn't be unhappy with either. One thing I like to point out is that Mac had Classe beat in available power for HT, not so much now with the new CT/Delta amps, and configurations. FOr example the 303 is a great piece that is far more powerful than CLasse's 3200, and it is impressive, I've heard it.

Also depends on your loads. I drive Atlantic's, 6 ohm loads, and B&W's, 8 ohm nominal, but really more like 4. I feel like the Mac's, even though Classe is used to voice B&W's, are better for my ears. And I like the multi-tap options on the Mac's (2/4/8 ohm outputs) as you can hear the difference.
Intersting thread. I am considering a McIntosh MC303 or a Classe CT series amp for my EgglestonWorks home theater My current processor is a Lexicon MC12B, a Lexicon LX-7 (built by Crown) amp. Someday I will upgrade the processor to the Classe or the next Lexicon, if they ever release it.

For now, I would like to get my left/right/center speaker off the LX-7 and onto a much smoother and and warmer amp without losing too much detail and clarity. My l/r speakers are the Andra ll and the center is the Andra center. The EW speakers with the Esotar tweeters are a bit forward sounding and fairly analytical. My ears are very sensitive to high frequency sound and higher volumes in general, so now I listen at low/mid volume. 99% home theater use.

My cables and power cords are JPS Aluminata. I will be buying new speaker wire, likely Cardas Clear series Sky or Light, or the very affordable Purist Audio Genesis speaker wire. The runs are long ranging 10' to 25'. My room is dedicated and fully treated.

What amp do you think I should go with the McIntosh or the Classe keeping in mind my EW speakers and my hearing sensitivity. Thanks