McIntosh MC302

Anyone have experience with this amp as it is still not on McIntosh's website?
They won't list on their website until all the 252's are gone. Basically it is the same topography as the MC252. My understanding from talking to Ron Cornelieus at the show it will have a better power supply and circuitry to make it sound better, but still no double balanced out put like the MC402 soon to be replaced by the MC452.
They have been shipping and we have them. They are excellent amps in true Mcintosh form.
I auditioned this amp along with the Krell S-275. The Mac is very warm and I found it too un-resolving in the upper treble and a bit to warm throughout the midrange. The Krell is much more resolving in the treble and midrange and the Krell also has better bass definition.

The MC 302 is an absolutely beautiful amplifier and built like a tank. I really was hoping that I would like it better, but it is just too warm for my taste.