newbie mania

New to high end. Was turned on to a setup within my means..proac tablettes and primaluna amp. Got the tablettes and have run them through my old JVC amp which just died.

Thinking about primaluna prologue two. But so much out there. Hope to move to proac floorstanding speakers at some point--maybe response 2.5 to get the bass extension. other than that, I love my tablettes.

would love to hear any and all opinions. SS v tube amps in the 1500-2200 dollar range. Path aleph? Vincent? I'm so confused at the moment. I send flac files from imac a lot these days. I listen to a ton of eclectic music, classical, contemporary classical, computer music, jazz. Any help much appreciated.
I have proac tablettes too, and run a Cayin 88 and 100 into them. Great sound, great value. You should be able to get a 100 for about $2K used. Cayin and Primaluna are made by the same company.
Wow..that's a beautiful looking amp. there's one for sale here too! Would it be suitable for response 2.5s as well?
The impedance curve of the 2.5's is very benign, rarely dropping below 8 ohms... so yes, either the Cayin 88 or the 100 will work well. Definitely recommend you go with tubes, regardless of what you end up with.