Mosfet mist?


I have read several articles on the sonics of mosfet amps to include Adcom,B&K,Counterpoint,Perreaux,etc. What exactly is mosfet mist and how would one know what to listen for. Are some amps more prone to this mist than others? I have a Perreaux 1150B doing woofer duty on a pair of Focal 706s spkrs(A modified Parasound 1000A on top)How would say the 1150B compare with a B&K in relation. Thanks.
Some early mosfets had a slow decay , it gave them a slow unclean sound , maybe thats where the term came from .
Sounds like the name for a pop wine beverage. It's mythological. I used to own a bipolar amp from Bryston and have been running a JEFT/MOSFET amp from Hafler for no less than 16 years. No "mist" has been detected, but if I ever got back into reading one of the audiophile media mags they might incite this angst in me. Toss this one to Peter Aczel the Audio Critic and watch him go ballistic!
How many posters have spent any time in a fabrication facility seeing how semiconductors are made?
Thanks Atmasphere. I learned something today. Pls excuse my uninformed sarcasm. I was caught up in a mirthful moment. I will have to scrutinize my 1995 Halfer 9180 for this phenomenon. It uses lateral MOSFETS. I do LOVE the sound, never tiring.