Tube Monoblocks for heavy music on Khorns

What tube monoblocks would drive Khorns the best for big bass/heavy metal music? I obviously can't go the SET route for the BEST sound. I was thinking about some BIG monoblocks to help the Khorns 15" driver REALLY move. My room is small. I could even experiment with adding a large sub like a Velodyne HGS18 in the future, too. However, price is an issue. Another interesting Idea, what horn speakers can really compete with Khorn for around the same money for reproduction of bass, Etc??
I have k-horns and use a JJ integrated parallel single ended 300B amp. The best yet for me, BUT I also have a stereo Jadis Defy 7 at 100 watts with 6 6550's per chanel. On ROCK the Jadis really shines with little loss due to the higher volumes I assume. The tighter bass is noticable with the Jadis butt I still like the single ended sound on most other music.
No sub should ever be necessary.
I found that my 100 watt threshold amp had tons of bass at any volume.
Many years ago, while being interviewed, Paul K, stated that Mcintosh amps were a perfect match for his horns. I'm thinking MC30's? A classic combo.
1- Khorns
2- tube amp
3- heavy metal
4- small room

IMHO, pick any three. I suggest that you eliminate either 1 or 4.