How can a 40 watt amp outshine a 140 watt amp

My query is; I see $6,000 integrated amplifiers with 40 watts per channel, how is this better than my Pionner Elite SC-35 @ 140 watts per channel, what am I going to hear different, with a, let's say Manley Labs - STINGRAY II? I obviously don't understand the basics involved and if someone could explain or point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

I would like to set up a nice two channel analog system. I really can't afford the aforementioned Stingray, what is "out there" in the 2.5 grand range?
Once upon a time, I’ll bet that arguments asserting that the world was flat were nothing less than academical blockbusters. Why are we still debating this? if you can’t hear a difference between amplifiers, then there isn’t any....and you’re deaf!
If all amps sound the same, I sure have wasted a lot of money upgrading and changing amps all these years. I wish someone would have told me about this sooner. :)
A 40 watt amp can outshine a 140 watt amp with proper speaker amp matching;this has been my experience.
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Phaelon: if you can’t hear a difference between amplifiers, then there isn’t any....and you’re deaf! that statement is now getting very tired. Please tell us why no one has passed the test? I am not in anyway saying that when pushing amps towards clipping that the listener will not hear a difference..but at normal levels there just might not be either much or any...I am not running the test. So please contact Richard Clark and try to collect 10k.