advantage of seperates vs integrated

I have been thinking of a change to seperates but.. I was weighing the advantages of a seperate amp/pre as opposed to using integrated (I have use of Classe CAP 151 right now). What I'd like to go to would be all Solid State Audio Research to mate with my CD 3 Mk 2. The additional questions would be; would the ARC SS provide better bottom end to the Apogee Slant 6 I lsten to and would it also provide a deeper and wider sound stage advantage for the investment of approx. $2200-$2700 post sale of existing equipment as I listen primarily to soft rock, new age and jazz? Currently the sound is very good and very smooth, would the change be worth it? Thanks for the opinion.
I agree with Kclone but I would like to give you s suggestion that would improve the sound of your system immediately, whether it's an integrated or separates: stop playing the new age music. You're welcome and no charge. Sorry, couldn't resist.
Thank you to Kclone, Phaelon, & Noble100, I think maybe you're all right in what you've said, just that I have lusted after an ARC LS 10 and an ARC amp and call it quites changing (yeah sure!) but maybe I should hold out for maybe a used Sim Audio i7, MAC MA6900 or an ARC DSi200 when some more money appears since I run the CD 3 mk2 balanced. Noble100 just to reassure you I only listen to Enya or something else VERY INFREQUENTLY but the sound stage is entharlling! Thank you again I hope this will cool my jets for awhile.
ARC did not make their rep with SS, neither did Mac. I am not sure either would be an improvement.
While I don't disagree with the above posts, separates can typically have some advantages. Separate amplifiers allow one to isolate themsleves from the delicate signals within the pre section, usually have better current availability into lower impedance's (especially true w/ ss), have more power options, more options overall, possibly better channel separation, can be more conveniently placed for better heat dissipation, allow for more customization between pre and power, power amps can be plugged into separate power lines, allow for an easier upgrade path. Apogee's typically work better with typically gutsier separate power amps. There are some intergrateds that compare with separates, but there are far fewer to choose from.