Speakers for Musical Fidelity M3i

I have recently purchased Musical Fidelity M3i.I am waiting for them to be shipped from Malaysia.I would like to understand if Epos Elan or Epic series is a good match.I prefer stand mounts as my room is only 12*10 ft.
Music preferences ..Vocals (70%) ,Instrumentals (30%).
Thanks for your help ...
Nine out of ten times its the room. Then speaker placement relative to the listening position in the room. You have now said two different speakers sound bright to you so I doubt very much if its the amp.

I can make my Vienna Bach Grands sounds dark, bright or just right with the same amp depending on where I place them relative to where I sit. Its a long, meticulous process of making small adjustments coupled with careful listening but its fun too!

Your Dyns and MF M3i are very nice components and should sound great together. Just find the right spot. Good luck.
Hi all,
I have tried diff placement options but none has been able to dramatically tame the brightness..may me i should describe the problem as..music is too forward sounding than the vocals..which is actually creating this sense of brightness..
Hi Kushanava,

I used my x-12s with both an M3i and and A3 pre and power setup I have.

I did not find them bright. Mine were primarily used in a damped room. My room is an extra bedroom that is more of a library, with wall to wall carpet and bookshelves all around. I sat between 6-9 feet away and pointed them straight at me with the speakers about 6-7 feet apart. I didn't really listen loudly though. Maybe 9-9:30 on the volume knob, if that gives you a reference point.

A couple of questions: are the x-12s you bought new? I bought mine used, so mine were broken in already, if that is needed with these. If yours are new, maybe they simply need to play for a while to loosen up.

What is your listening space like?

Also, kind of obvious, but worth doublechecking: is the polarity correct on the speaker wiring?

Do you leave your amp on or turn it off after listening? I left mine on all the time because I found it took 30 minutes or so to sound best.

What is your source?

Other than that, I'm not sure what else the problem could be. I thought the combination was crisp and clean with firm bass, but not bright. I may also be more tolerant of treble energy than you are.

It may be simply that you want something warmer, like Spendor or Harbeth speakers, or maybe a warmer amp. When I used my x-12s with a little Naim Nait 5i I have, it sounded more full in the midrange and the treble was less pronounced.

Can you return the speakers?
first of all ..thanks for writing down such a detailed note.
I have a similar set up to you (like 6-7 ft between speakers , 1 ft from back wall , listing at 9-10 ft distance ..in a 10*12 sqft room)

Now couple of weak points (no sure if they are so much important) ..
1.Asus zonar Essence STX card (known to be towards the highs) ...No Dac yet!!
2.Speaker cables as locally made.
3.VDH thunder line interconnect (this is still a very good interconnect)
4.Dyns has run in for 150 hrs ..may be 300 hrs is expected.

I would like to know your settings on the above.
I would say I like the dyns and would not sale it , because these are soft sounding than even the wharfs 9.1 (which are considered to be warm).I lived with the wharfs quite well with a Cosmic (local india made amp) before moving to m3i , when it really started to sound forward.there was a loss of centre focus on the midrange and the whole sound stage was in front.

Can you explain how much the sound improved after the naim nait 5i.Did u get changes in the sound stage with the naim nait 5i.What volumes do you listen to with the Naims compared to m3i?Did you feel that the mid range became robust after naim over Mf ?