best class a amp for a grand?

Looking to buy amp for second system for 1000 bucks on the used market. Room size is 10x12, primarily streaming music. Speakers are some energy pro 22 and preamp is an ocm 55. Im thinking maybe a belles would fit nice but wanted some other opinions. Thanks and god bless.
IF you can find one.. or wait for one to come on the market.. The Forte 1a or even better the Forte 4. Or even better a Forte 4 modded by Jon Sodderberg in CA.
Forte's come up from time to time, and are under a grand - like the Forte Model 4, or 4a. Old Threshold's are a good choice, too, but they're not all pure class A.
Absolutely agree with a Forte 4, and if one does come on the market, it won't last long.