best class a amp for a grand?

Looking to buy amp for second system for 1000 bucks on the used market. Room size is 10x12, primarily streaming music. Speakers are some energy pro 22 and preamp is an ocm 55. Im thinking maybe a belles would fit nice but wanted some other opinions. Thanks and god bless.
I'm pretty sure the Muse Model 160, is not class A. It's a great amp, though!
I've seen the 160 referred to as a class A amp over the years.It may be class A/AB(like the Parasound 2200)where the first ??? no. of watts are class A before shifting to class A/B operation as more wattage is called for.Perhaps it is heavily biased towards class A operation.I know that it does run warm/hot.I am not certain,but it sure sounds great!!!
With 86db efficiency I read, sounds like a good candidate to throw any well made high current high power monster Class A/B or Class D.

I had similar need for my large OHM F 5 Series 3 speakers. The compact, energy efficient Bel Canto ref1000m Class D monoblocks fit the bill perfectly. One of the similar Wyred 4 Sound or similar icepower Class D stereo amps might be had at your price point.

Other amps in the monster amp category I seriously considered were larger SS amps from Audio Research, Krell, Classe, Plinius and Pass, but these tend to cost more than your price point, even used.

I used a Musical Fidelity A3CR amp for over a year with good results prior to the BCs. This is Class A, 120 w/ch or so I believe and can be had used for well under $1000.