McIntosh Preamp

I am looking at either the McIntosh MC 275 or MC 2102 amps. Would a MAC tube preamp be too tubey? What MAC preamp would sound better?
Both the solid state and tube Macs are known to sound good. The tradeoffs are the usual ones. Solid state has better more powerful bass while tubes have that midrange magic so many people love. You cant go wrong either way but the tube Mac will keep more of its resale value because all tube preamps are in demand. Hope this helps.
The C48 is great! Not only good looking, but sounds great. Sound is spacious and open. Go for it!
Stanwal - LOL!

Thanks for all the input guys. Sounds like all pretty good choices. Man, this is cool equipment.
Guess it might just come down to availability and best deal I can find.