Tube or SS integrated for PSB Imagine Ts


I am driving my Imagine Ts with an Arcam AVR300. I also have an Arcam rDAC and use it for two channel stereo (using the stereo direct mode in the Arcam). I want to try out either a Tube or SS integrated amp to see if I can get more resolution for two channel listening.

Any suggestions and recommendations ?

ARC VSi60 is a very nice match with the T's. I heard them with an all Integra AV system and was completely unimpressed. Solid state or tubes, they deserve high quality amplification.
Thanks. So which NAD amd did you hear with ?

And what do you mean by high quality amplification ?
Seenu, I was at a Dealer sound room and did not catch the specific model NAD, but I do know NAD and PSB are owned by the same company. An M3 would probably make those T's sing.