Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??

My question: do monoblock amps, that is, one amp per speaker, provide better sound than one box stereo amp?? I have read that a pair of mono amps provide the best stereo separation, imaging, soundstage depth.... Besides, taking up more floor space or rack space, and the necessity running a longer interconnect if each amp is behind the speaker, is it really worth it?? Thank you Jim
There is a clear cut difference as to why in theory dual monoblocks have an advantage unless of course the stereo amp is a dual monophonic design. Depending on the circuit design, stereo amps which use the same power supply for both channels is at a disadvantage. Power supplies can be taxed by the circuit it's feeding and this is multiplied by having it power a second channel. Usually, the sonic attributes of a using two monoblocks include a greater sense of depth, better inter-transient silence ( blackness around instruments in space), greater detail within that space, better sense of stage, and increased transient performance. In addition, an improvement might also be heard by powering each monoblock amp from a separate electrical circuit. This offers better isolation from channels
Thanks to all who have responded!!! I have been schooled in the pro and cons of monoblocks and single stereo amps. Cheers!!!!!!! Jim
I use to believe mono blocks always sounded better .... until I got a McCormack DNA-500.
Serious plus side: You get shorter speaker wire runs (and long cool-man balanced wires are also 2 points extra for YOU), and monos just look cooler. It makes it seem like you MEAN BUSINESS in your cute little reproduced sound hobby, as long as a dog doesn't pee on them (don't ask).