Preamp for Pass Labs XA30.5

Can't break the bank here but is there a solid or tube pre that might work well with this amp in the $2k range, new or used?
I have the same amp and once I listened to my cd player (has it's own volume control) going direct to my amp, there was no turning back. Going direct revealed several layers of musical intimacy and resolution that I was missing. And I had been using an award winning tube preamp costing $3000.

The only problem with going direct permanently in my rig was that I use a Fathom sub and secondly that I have multiple sources. So I decided to get a preamp that was as transparent as possible which led me to Placette Audio.

I ended up with a Placette active preamp and I am very satisfied with it. It is my last preamp. However, even used it is out of your $2k budget, so I would recommend the Placette passive preamp. You would need to do some research to make sure that your system is compatible with a passive preamp both electronically and musically. It is very revealing and exposes component mis-matches. Plus your cdp will need to have enough muscle to drive your amp.
Dodd Audio the battery powered Tube buffer, it sounds great I have heard it with the XA-30.5 sounds extremely good and for the money it is very hard to beat. The matching Labs XP-10, XP 20 are better but several times the costs of the Dodd.
I am using a Modwright 9.0 Sig ( make sure it is the Sig edition). You can get it used for $1500 and it is a great combo in my system. I have not compared it though to any of the other offerings mentioned above.
If you can find a Burson PRE-160 (used) it would be a nice match. Even on the colors, both are silver. ;)
The most rewarding experience for me with the XA30.5 is feeding direct from the PSA PWD. Same experience as Erndog wrote in the above post. Other than that my personal preference would be tube preamps.