Tube amp suggestion

I'm considering moving from solid state to tube amps but don't really know where to start. I currently have:
Pair of B&W 805D
Marantz sr7005 (setup as a preamp)
Pair of Rotel amps, bi-amped
Moon .5 CD Player
Music Hall turntable

My system sounds great but I've heard a lot about tube amps. I've got about 2000 to spend and wondered what I should do?
I'd like to keep my system setup in a bi-amped configuration
Suggestions appreciated.
Yes I'm looking to get the tube-amp sound. As of right now I'm just thinking of making the change. I've heard tube amps and they sound very warm, quite different from solid state. One reason I'm considering bi-amping is because I currently have my cables terminated to bi-amp so there's a cost involved with re-terminating them, albeit minimal. Would I achieve the same or similar sound by purchasing a tube pre-amp? If so, how would I integrate it into my current system?
My system sounds great but I've heard a lot about tube amps.
Maddog66blue (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

You may have heard a lot about tube amps from people with tube-friendly speakers. I'm not sure the B&Ws are.
I drive my B&W 804S with McIntosh MC275 and love it. I tried biamping with a Rotel RB1080 that was replaced by the MC275, but believe it or not the 275 had better bass than the 200 Wpc Rotel...go figure! Sold the RB1080 and run the 275 full bandwidth.

Maybe the 805D is different...but the 805S wasn't fit for biamping the way you seem to describe it, because it had only one set of binding posts. Did you mean tubes for top end and SS for bass? The 805D has a tweeter and a midrange...sorry, I don't mean to be a pest, but are you sure?

Anyway, try to audition a 275 with 805D. I'm sure they sound really good.
@Lewinskih01 to answer your question, yes the 805D's have two sets of binding posts. As far as tubes for top end and SS for bass? I really don't know, as I said before, I don't know enough about tubes to know what to do, go tube amps for highs and lows or tubes for highs and ss for lows.
Also, budget is also a consideration.