Leben CS600 or ARC VSi60 with Harbeth Compact 7's

I'm looking for an tube integrated amp to drive a pair of Compact 7ES-3 speakers. These are both on my short list. Has anyone tried either of them with Harbeths - any thoughts at all?

A month or two ago I listened to the Compact 7s with a Leben for several hours. It as an excellent combination. However, I assume with this choice of speaker and amp you are not a head banger type of listener....
No headbanging. I do listen to classic rock, however I'm more into blues and acoustic. As I'm getting older, my musical tastes are mellowing. Thanks for the feedback.
I have very eclectic taste in music and listen to classical, jazz, blues, folk, bluegrass and rock (both new and classic) as well as a lot of other stuff. My setup is a pair of Spendor SP1/2Es with an Image Audio 65i tube amp (50 watts/ch with KT88 outputs). Spendors are BBC cousins of the Harbeth line so have similar qualities.

I really like the Spendors with all my music. The midrange quality is incredible - tonally accurate and very palpable. The overall sound is very natural with no sense of emphasis or artificial enhancement. 85 dB is about the loudest average listening level I approach and my setup easily meets that with power to spare.

The local dealer where I heard the Harbeths carries both Leben and ARC and they prefer the Leben with Harbeths. I didn't listen to the other combo (I was visiting out of curiosity, not in search of a change) but aesthetically I like the Leben and it certainly worked beautifully with the Harbeths.