Buying a Tube Amplifier

I have alot of audio equipment, my favorite set up is Simaudio moon W5.3 and P5.3 amp and preamp with B&W or Axiom speakers. I am listening to alot of electric guitar right now and can not imagine it sounding any better.

I have always wanted to try out tubes and I am going to. I want the first step to be something under 1K ish. I have been considering Antique sound Labs AV 25 monos.

Does anyone use or know these and can anyone give me some ideas of something that has really impressed them and what you are comparing them with?

Any help is appreciated
My first foray into tubes was an Onix SP-3 integrated amp that I bought from AV123 (now defunct). I still have the amp and when paired with efficient speakers works very well. It also responds well to tube rolling. You can probably find one used in the $300-$400 range.

I also own a Prima Luna Prologue One and a Cayin A88T. Both are superb amps, but considerably pricier.

Another way to go to get your feet wet is with a Yaquin Chinese made EL34 amp. These can be had new under $500 and for the money are pretty good.

Good luck and happy rolling!
I am going to play all sorts of music when I get my first tubes. I appreciate the information so far. Lots of reading still to do. I read a few article that make me think tube amps with tube preamps are not always good. any recommendations of tube preamps too?
A good beginner tube amp is a Dynaco amp. I got one from Bob Latino a ST120 and its sound very good, did not break the bank and sounds good. A lot of tubes to roll from kt-88 all the way to kt-120. I have kt-120 and Brimars 12AT7 and its wonderful.
Hey Bucnero117,WTF are you talking about?How many of the greatest guitar players in the world play through Marshall Tube stacks or Vox Tube Amps?Peter Frampton ring a bell,he's used a Marshall Tube Stack with Gibson guitars ever since his days with Humble Pie.How about Carlos Santanna, who regularly uses Vox Tube Amps with his PRS guitars.Sauniq,my recommendation would be one of the new,MODIFIED,remote control operated,40 wpc,EL34 based, Jolida 202 integrated amps that is being offered here on Audiogon & sells for right at a Grand(sorry I can't remember the dealers name but it should be easy to find by searching Jolida).Stable into 4 ohm loads it should be enough power to move even the B&W's.Be warned however,once you go tubes you won't want to go back!
You may want to seek out an ARC D70, either a Mk1 or maybe better still, a Mk2.
These can be had today for a song and are IMO, still ultra competitive with almost any other tube amp out there! Only thing to be concerned with is the very poor ability to bias this amp, which is best left to a tech. However, with that said and the price that these are seemingly going for today, I cannot think of a better tube amp in the price range.