Buying a Tube Amplifier

I have alot of audio equipment, my favorite set up is Simaudio moon W5.3 and P5.3 amp and preamp with B&W or Axiom speakers. I am listening to alot of electric guitar right now and can not imagine it sounding any better.

I have always wanted to try out tubes and I am going to. I want the first step to be something under 1K ish. I have been considering Antique sound Labs AV 25 monos.

Does anyone use or know these and can anyone give me some ideas of something that has really impressed them and what you are comparing them with?

Any help is appreciated
I agree with Daveyf but again biasing is a bit trickey. You might want to check the archives here and on Audio Asylum. I'm not sure if ARC has any info on their website but this is an amp you can't go wrong with, proven design and excellent performance, good price and easy to resell if it doesn't meet your needs.
Saunig, you might check under the 'Reviews's section, I posted a review there a few months ago. Other areas to research are the Audio Asylum forum on the web.
BTW, Freediver, as a guitar teacher, i don't quite agree with your post about why guitar players favor tube amps. IMO, we favor tube amps for their superior sustain ability and warmth that they give to the pups. Distortion is also more controlled and useable. In our home gear, we are looking for less distortion and more truth to the source, not less. Tubes in home gear are able to give us a 'warmer' sound and IMHO a more spacious sound....not quite the same as what we need in the guitar world, just IMHO.
Just my opinion, don't buy anything else. That Sim Audio Moon gear is outstanding with electric guitar. Of course it is good in other areas too. You will notice the trade offs. I have had a lot of amps and integrated's and if you have speakers that really jive with the Sim's, you really hit a sweet spot. There are certain brands that fit the bill here, maybe your speakers are in this boat?