How awesome is the McIntosh MC501?

If you love this amp like I do shout it out!! I have 3 of these beauties for home theater, paired to a 402 for surrounds, and I love them!!

Let's hear about what you do with yours, why you feel upgrading is or isn't necessary, and why you think this is one of the best amps out there.

What speakers allow them to sing for you? What cables did for you? Let's hear constructive commentary and critique, not just gushing adjectives.

Let's hear commentary on why you bought it, why you wouldn't trade it, why so many are up for sale right now, and any aspect of the 501 that has you loving it.

Let's hear it!!
I like them. They work equally well with both my Eggleston Andra II's and Thiel 3.6. I listen to mostly classic rock and they crank out dynamics effortlessly.
What does the 650mcx do differently?

I'm always thinking Krell will be my next stop.....
I bought a pair about a year ago to mate with Logan CLX's - which are very revealing speakers and have an impedance curve that can challenge some amps. I also have a Plinius SA250 Mk3 to compare the 501's with, which is one hell of a beast and Class A to boot.

My take on the 501's is that they have lots of drive, detailed, musical and appropriately emotional in tone. Easy to listen to - but I never feel that they are so smooth that I am missing something - in fact with the 501's I can hear way deep into the music. Also I disagree that they roll off the top octave, but that might be a synergy thing.

Very natural, beautiful build, cosmetically .... great audiojewllery!

There will always be something "better" but for me after many years on the audio upgrade highway,changing out these amps would be a low priority and I am sure anyone who buys them would not be upset.
