Tenor 75 Wi OTL

Just bought this OTL by Tenor.

Living in Destin FL and owning the Atmasphere S30 amp I could remove some power tubes to reduce the heat in the summer. Can this be done with the Tenor?

Kelly High End in Ca. who I bought from said the amps puts off very little heat after being on for a hour or two. BS from the seller?
05-27-11: Charles1dad
If there`s one thing thats been demostrated often in high end audio, higher cost does`nt mean better sound.
Of course, I was being slightly sarcastic with my remark.
With the very efficient Zu speakers the additional power is`nt an advantage, it`s sound quality. Often times a lower power amp will have superior sound to a larger and more complex design.
Get it, got it, preaching to the choir here. I have similar high(er) efficiency widerange driver speakers and have/had several SET amps(300B, PX-25, 6C33CB, 2A3).
My recommendation was based on the requirements for low watts and less heat. It just may be Glory has to give up something to get something. Not my decision. For Summer months in Las Vegas I have a nice selection of amps to choose from that don't put out a lot of heat. In the other seasons I can use OTL's.
One point about the Trancendent that does bear consideration is that it is a quite inexpensive for its performance. I am not sure what the current pricing is but you DO get a lot for your money. In retrospect, it is unfair comparing a higher priced component that performs at the highest level to one that is really an overachiever at its price point. The T8, a 25 watt stereo amp, idles at 300 watts, not sure how hot it gets when playing but is more than enough juice for those Zu speakers. The Berning idles at 100 watts and maxes out at 300 watts full power, cooler than virtually all tube amps let alone the Class A OTL variety.
Hi Darkmoebius,
I hear you loud and clesr LOL. Sometimes when reading another person`s reply the intended humor is`nt apparent. Based on your system, you certainly appreciate low power /high quality amps also.
The 1.5 watt SET OTL is $1500 assembled including tubes. If he wants 4 watts instead of 1.5 he needs two of them to run as monoblocks. The T-16 is $1599 as a kit with tubes. 15 watts per channel so the stereo version is plenty. There are expert assemblers out there who build these for people who do not have the experience to assemble the kit. I know Ed Schilling at the Horn Shoppe has built a few. He raves how these amps sound with his ~100db horns. For the kind of money we're talking there is not much risk and they do play well above their price point,