Amp for Vandersteens 2ce sig 2's

If you had the choice...What amp would you mate with an Audible Illusions 3B preamp into Vandersteen 2ce Sig2's?
Vacuum tube? Solid state? Any comments are welcome. Thank you... All the best...
Ayre and Vandersteen play very well together. I've read that ARC is another good match. I agree with Mcfarland that you should focus on quality, not quantity, of watts. The Sig IIs are *really* good. IMO, you'd have to spend >$10K to get something signficantly better. They desrve to be partnered with quality electronics.
Music Reference - RM9, or 200 would be great!
Heard a 2c and RM9 system for a while and loved the sound.

Happy Listening
I am having great musical success with an SMc Audio modified McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe with my Vandy 3A Sigs. I have yet to read any correspondence about unsatisfactory results with such a combination. Either a DNA-1 or DNA - .5 should do the trick.
There are a couple of Modwright KWA100-SE's for sale on Agon right now for around $2900. That is an incredible amp, and would match very well with your tube pre-amp as well as Vandersteens. Designer-owner Dan Wright is a big advocate of pairing Tube pre-amps with high quality SS amps, and designs accordingly. Check out this 6Moons Audio review, and good luck!
Vandersteens and Audio Research have long been a successful pairing, especially models of that vintage. I personally feel Vandy's need to power/current to strut their stuff. A great combination would be a used ARC 100.2 ss amp, one of the company's best solid state creations.

You can probably find a used one for $1,000-1,500. Get it and never look back