Nagra plp versus CAT ultimate mk 2

Hello there , i would like some worthwhile opinions .
I have the nagra plp now running for 3 years and im sort of ready for something new.
I can switch/exchange it with a closed wallet for the cat with phono as mentioned.
I like the nagra and will do some extensive listening at the shop before i switch off course .
The thing i like about the nagra is that it is dynamic and clean .
Th cat might have a bit more force/grunt and more " tonal colours" at least thats what i read and heard .
Its off course practical for a phono /dvd system only, just as the plp
i ll have them checked later on .

the one thing i can say after listening to my favourite lp collection and the thing being under current for half a day now .
The cat is very good , it doesnt have the glassy/edginess of the nagra instead its al about natural , musical flow , you can definetively hear deeper into the mix and the bandwith is greater /more bas extension .
I think it was a good exchangetrade
just FYI: the phone stage tubes are V1-V5 & they are on the left side/left half of the preamp (left as you look @ the face-plate). The CAT factory does a very stringent job in selecting tubes for the phono stage - only those ultra-quiet ones that meet all the tube specs make the grade. The line stage tubes also go thru rigorous selection but not as rigorous as the phono stage tubes.
So, like Pubul57 wrote-if you keep the Ultimate Mk2, get a new set of 10 tubes from the CAT factory. It will not be cheap but will worth your trouble.
Good to read that you really liked the Ultimate Mk2 - fine preamp! ;-)
You may also want to try Roger Modjeski at - the best tube tester in the business IMHO. Not sure how his prices compare with trying to buy direct from Ken Stevens (CAT), my understanding is the Roger now does the testing for CAT tubes that come with the equipment, so......
Thanks bombaywalla, pubul57 for the info .
I might indeed have them tested cq buy new.