silver upgraded Mccormack DNA-1 comparison

Is it worth upgrading the Mcormack DNA-1 to silver? What improvements in sound will it make? Is money better spent on going in a different direction to purchase a different amp.

I am looking to improve overall sound, silky - warm mids, airy clear highs, accurate good low end. Vocals to sound more human -live performance.Imating with a TAD 150 pre. This as well is an area I am also contimpalting a change to a Mapletree 4SE would be an improvement towards my goal???
try experimentation with tweaks & cabling to fine tune sonic signature to your preferences:
power cords, line conditioning, AC outlet, dedicated AC circuit, interconnects, speaker cables, cones, footers, shelving, tube rolls, room treatments, speaker cabinet footers/cones
you'll be amazed what you can do with the setup you already have
Simple answer...Hell Yes!!! I recently had that done. Night and day difference. I'm using a custom Mapletree Audio Design Line 2A SE pre-amp,driving a pair of Magnestand MG-12s. Try adding the Mapletree first. If you can find one used(good luck)it is an inexpensive investment and you will get an idea of the sound.If you can't find one is still a very inexpensive upgrade. Talk to Dr. Lloyd first. Then call Kris at McCormack for a full rundown on the upgrade. Both of these guys are very knowledgeable and extremely helpful.
Have you pulled the trigger yet? I have never heard the stock unit, but have had two members comment on my amplifier. They both had sold stock units in the past and mentioned how nice my Rev. A DNA1 sounded. Both guys had a funny look on their face like wtf. This is a keeper amp for me even though I recently purchased a tube amp to try out. I like the tube amp also but there is a slight trade off in the bass department.
In my delay, i purchased a "deluxe" DNA-1 which I am having SMC upgrade in July. My original DNA-1 is up for sale