McIntosh MA6300


An acquaintance at work is selling an MA6300 Mcintosh integreted amp for $2400. He says its in perfect confidition. I am in the process of building a higher end system - on a budget. I want to play mostly LPs and MP3s. My question: is this too much amp for me? Is the amp worth the money or could I get something that meets my needs for less money. I am willing to invest but not just because its a name... albeit those blue meters are pretty sweet to look at. Thanks for any advice you might offer.
There are going to be a lot of ways to answer your question. I would recommend looking at your overall budget for a system and then consider if you want to make upgrades at a later time. One advantage of MAC gear is they tend to hold their values very well over time. But, without an overall budget or knowing what gear you already have it is really tough to offer much in the way of helpful advice.
As Davt suggests, you need to frame your question with some context - speakers you need to drive for starters. Are you also asking if $2,400 is a good price for a 6300 in good condition? (a different question). Also tricky to assess if something meets your goals with out know what they might be. But also, do know the 6300 is more than simply a brand, but a very good amplifier that will hold its value if/when you choose to sell, to a degree greater than most other brands.
There are a lot of guys here on the Gon who "play LPs" that don't hesitate at twice $2400 for a cartridge.
OP, what is your overall budget, and what is in your current system, and how are you playing your MP3 files through your system at the moment? USB?