McIntosh MA6300


An acquaintance at work is selling an MA6300 Mcintosh integreted amp for $2400. He says its in perfect confidition. I am in the process of building a higher end system - on a budget. I want to play mostly LPs and MP3s. My question: is this too much amp for me? Is the amp worth the money or could I get something that meets my needs for less money. I am willing to invest but not just because its a name... albeit those blue meters are pretty sweet to look at. Thanks for any advice you might offer.
OP, what is your overall budget, and what is in your current system, and how are you playing your MP3 files through your system at the moment? USB?
Ok, good points. The current system is basically a jerry rig of an amp I bought in college in the 90s for couple hundred bucks and some small JBL bookend speakers. I am just starting the process, so I will be buying everything. Budget will be ~$4-5K. Yep, I see that McIntosh is a value brand, one guy I talked to said he's never not sold one for near or more than his purchase price.

So... basically given the overall budget, is the amp worth the price?

I currently use an iPod adapter for the music. Its sounded great 7 years ago to do that, but as I listen to other peoples systems its clear that there is better out there.

BTW this forum is fantastic, tons to learn. Thank you for your collective help.
The MAC is a good amp, but given your budget of $5,000 for a complete system, I would say you are spending a bit too much for the system. If you intent is to build a system you will own for the next 10+ years, I would start the process with find the speakers you will want to live with, they will be the single most important thing to decide on, and the speakers you own will drive the amp decision, should not be the other way around. If you want to build a system in that price range, the Vandersteen 2s would make the foundation for a pretty good $5000 complete system.
I sold my 6300 for $2150 almost new. It bought it sealed and the woman claimed it was won in an auction. More likely her boyfriend worked at a dealer and it fell off the back of the truck.

I would also look at the Ayre integrated. I liked it better than the Mac 6300. Better staging and clarity while not bright and a little laid back. Like mentioned above you might want to put forth more information.

Come on Mechans, my Nordost Tyr shoe laces cost me more than $2400. LOL you speak the truth.