Mcintosh MC500 or Accuphase P800

Hi all, I have a chance to buy either of these amps, the mcintosh some 400 euro cheaper...
Which would you advise and why?
My system consists of Accuphase DP 500 cd, Mcintosh c46 preamp and B&W matrix 800 speakers...
I don't listen very loud, and I love 3d soundstaging, imaging and emotionality in music , the feeling "I am there at the event" when I am listening.
Marcustang,could you maybe describe what musical aspects of your P800 where bettered by the Mcintosh?thx!
Hi Marcustang2003,

Tube or Solid State version? Please let us know how you like it. Thanks
My system consists of Sony SCD-1 SACD player, Accuphase C-280V pre-amp, Accuphase P-800 vs Mcintosh MC500 power amp, JBL Century Gold speakers.......