Ayon Vs. Audio Research Preamps

I am on the verge of acquiring an Ayon Orbis linestage preamp (very new, w/little available review data). However, I am also very curious about Audio Research's LS27 preamp.
Has anyone had experience with either of these (possibly from a comparison persepctive) and might offer some thoughts?

Thanks much.

I don't know why Ayon is'nt more popular. Everything seems right with them, price build quality and of course, the sound. There CD players in particular , seem unbeatablle at the price.
I have recently bought an ex dem Spark integrated and it is very hard to criticise it. It's very detailed but not harsh and fatiguing, wonderful tonal richness. I prefer it to the Viva Soloista I used before at twice the price, excellent though that was. About the only points I would make, it would be nice to have a true balanced input and if the power switch was'nt at the back.
You may not know this, but the 623C output valve was used in the Mig23 Foxbat. You've got to love the Russians, that's class.
I don't know why you don't hear more about Ayon, probably to do with distribution. The fact you rarely see any for sale second hand, tells you something.

Thanks again - you've raised excellent points. I beleive I have my answer. In fact, I've told my vendor to proceed with placing the order. They're not going to be available until mid-Sept. I feel like such a junkie due to the wait...

On the CD commentary, have you heard anything about this new company called Playback? It is being founded by a 'seasoned' veteran at the helm - some guy by the name of Andreas Koch-sp-?? He was apparently involved at the initial spark (pardon the pun) of the CD revolution with Sony. Another local vendor said that in six months, we'll be hearing about nothing but this lineup. They're billed as being incredible value for the douhg - so they all say. Piqued my curiousity nonetheless. I am inclined to still run with the Ayon when the time comes, though.

Thanks again for your input.


Hi Scott, you're not alone. I currently own an Ayon CD-5s & am planning on upgrading my current pre-amp (CD-5s) to an Ayon Orbis. I've had a few discussions about the Orbis with Gerhard Hirt, and it's obvious to me (and clearly to you) the Orbis is superior to the Ref 5. It should be a killer pre & sound warm and very musical with my Boulder amp.

The PBD deck is a great SACD player & is a very different player to the CD-5s. One is a solid state SACD player & the other is a class a valve cd player. My opinion on RB vs SACD hasn't changed; a well recorded K2HD, XRCD or DXD disc should sound as good as an SACD on a 'garden' variety Ayon spinner. They're both mighty players though.


Thanks very much for the comments. Here's what's transpired since my last 'blog'. I told my vendor to proceed with the order, but it turns out he never did. Great guy, but a little over-worked (aren't we all).

I called the US main office for Ayon in Arizona and spoke at length to their main tech Jerry. He explained to me in no uncertain terms (as my vendor also confirmed through conversations with his rep) that the CD-5s' pre-section challenges and most likely exceeds the performance of the Orbis. The CD-5s is also the pinnacle of Ayon's CD player offering. I said to go ahead and place the order for the CD-5s - which my vendor finally did. The comments of my vendor's rep and the US tech rep in AZ along with the fact that this will help eliminate having purchase another Dynamic Design Nebula power cord and interconnect - ultimately helped me make the decision. I realize the bottom line of any decision is how that choice sounds to an individual. I also planned on replacing my CD player, so this takes care of another step for my system's re-build. From a signal flow perspective, this also would seem to make better, more efficient sense.

I'd be curious to know of your contacts' comments on the differences or similarities of the CD-5s and the Orbis' pre sections.

Thank you again.

Please do a follow comment on the 5s in your system. That is is player I heard in the AudioPax room at T.H.E. In Las Vegas in January 2011. They used an AudioPax pre, but the Ayon CDP was killer. I am sure the pre in it will be too. I can't wait to hear your comments.