Ayon Vs. Audio Research Preamps

I am on the verge of acquiring an Ayon Orbis linestage preamp (very new, w/little available review data). However, I am also very curious about Audio Research's LS27 preamp.
Has anyone had experience with either of these (possibly from a comparison persepctive) and might offer some thoughts?

Thanks much.

Thanks for your post Scott. Fyi, the CD-5s needs a full 250hrs+ to fully open up and bloom, but I would say at 150hrs the players is 80% played in. Re: the remote, once you read the instruction manual & understand all the functions of the remote, you learn to recognize only the buttons you use every day. I haven't had the same problems with misreads of cd's as you have, so it might be a fault in your player? I also haven't had the same issues with batteries dying, but then again i'm using premium long life alkalines. As for the issue of inadvertently hitting the "Fixed" volume control, I don't have that problem as i'm also using my CD-5s as preamp, so I have the rear toggle set to "Direct amp" which automatically disables the "fixed" output button to protect your amp & speakers. Selecting "Direct amp" also automatically drops the volume to -40 on every power up for safety.
Scott, congratulation on a great player. After noise issues with esoteric k-03 I sold it and bought Ayon cd-5s. All I can say that finally I have my dream machine and pre-amp in this player is excellent. I sold my arc ref-3 several days after. Also thank you to advise form Melbguy1, I upgraded 6h30 tubes to nos 6h30p-dr 1986 reflector plant form parts connections (about $80-90 for a tube). Paul from Ayon USA also strongly recommends upgrading to Russian NOS tubes, and he is selling nos 1980 that according to him are the best, but they are very pricey. Please don’t hesitate to do this upgrade. As for remote, this is strange, I have had mine for 5 months and never had any issues.

I agree with you that this machine is truly the best. It is the perfect match for my "highly hybridized" (crazy good-I can explain in another email if interested) Van L Speakerworks Quartet speakers. Cables are Dynamic Design 10th Anniversary Nebula. The level of micro detail and staging is, in my opinion, none better. Makes me that much more of a Howard Hughes (never want to leave the bunker).
Incidentally, I did originally order the CD-5s with the 1980 Russian-made "super tubes". Pricey - yes, but as long as I've gone this far, it seemed foolish not top it off with the best possible tubes. I just ordered a spare backup set for down the road. They ran $800 for the set. Not sure if it's just a ploy to sell more product, but Jerry & Paul at Ayon suggest that these may not be available forever. Seems like a good insurance policy likely needed only in retirement.

The remote thing is quite likely the nut behind the wheel syndrome. Certainly does not affect the quality of the output.

Thanks for chiming in.

Best regards,


Thank you again for providing the feedback from Girhard comparing the Orbis linestage to the onboard pre of the CD-5s. I imagine the Orbis' father would have a stronger opinion of his offspring. The guys running the US operations in Phoenix Arizona (Jerry & Paul) are whom I have to blame for abandoning the idea of having a separate preamp and selecting the onboard pre feature of the 5s. Jerry in particular was less than subtle on his assertion the linestage section on the 5s challenged in many respects the character of the Orbis. That's frankly what pushed me over the edge to purchase it. I guess I look at it this way - a preamp can always appear in my future and be coupled with the 5s. It certainly cannot ruin anything - possibly make things that much better. Not sure if you caught the previous comments to Denon1, (can't even remember if I told you either) but I opted for the Russian made 1980's "super tubes" . Just ordered a spare backup set to put in my doomsday storage....

Thanks again.

Hi Scott, yes I think the Orbis will be a great pre at it's price point. It's a good thing you bought spare DR tubes...they'll probably be sold out soon.