
Not much talk about Rowland. Why is that? For example, Pass is all over the place.
It is interesting how brands fall in and out of popularity. For several years I stopped reading reviews and did my own thing. Now that I am back I find brands that were considered mediocre at best are well respected by the audiophile community.
Yoh, I've owned examples of both brands-driving Wilson/ Avalon/ Soundlab/ Quads/Snells/etc--both worthy ,tried and true Pre/Amp products you can be proud to own.

I have had Rowland amps and they sound good but the Pass Labs Sound Great. The difference between Good & Great is huge!
Always remember that when people compare equipment if it isn't apples to apples then it isn't a fair comparison. To just say that Rowland is not as good as Pass or visa versa (or for any component), power output, sensitivity, etc and most importantly price point should be considered. Comparing a $1000 amp to a $5000 amp is in most cases a totally unfair comparison. Same is true with other characteristics. You know. Which Rowland amp was compared to which Pass amp? So for me, I pick a price point whereby I will purchase. I find equipment at that price point and compare. Now every now and then you will find an exceptional piece of equipment that is less expensive than another and will be better, but that is really rare. Most manufacturers design and construct based on price points. Same is true for automobiles and other equipment. So a Hyundi vs a Bently isn't a fair comparison is it? Same for audio equipment.

I have heard Rowland amps and the ones I have listened to were of top quality and construction and sound. I know for a fact that Pass Labs makes absolutely great equipment. But, I have never done an a/b comparison.
