Hafler DH 500 update?

My brother just gave me an early DH 500. It seems to sound fine to me. It hasn't been used alot for many years so I am wondering if I should at least have it checked out and have the old board components upgraded or just go ahead and use it until something gives out. In other words, would I gain anything by premptive action?
Larryrx, the amp manual states it comes supplied with 2 amp fuse for speakers. I don't know if those are the correct covers, or fuses for something else. They like the 2 amp apparently also. Read last paragraph, page 4 in link. That way you could decide. A 10 amp will let most speakers get damaged. Page 4 Under "Loud speaker fuse protection" [http://www.hafler.com/techsupport/pdf/DH-500_amp_man.pdf]
It's hard to say not knowing the rest of the system.

That said, stock, the DH500 is not very good. In it's day, and I had one, the little Amber 70 kicked it in the butt. The biggest problem was the Hafler sounded anemic. No dynamics. Sounded like a 50 watt amplifier rather than 500.

I had also gone the Musical Concept routs, though with an earlier DH200, rather than 500. John's kits do improve the sound but it's still going to sound like a solid-state amplifier from that period and not up to the standards of equipment being built today. So if this fits into your budget, then you consider the update. Otherwise, I'd save my money and look elsewhere--but as I said in the beginning--it all depends on the speakers being used, etc.
And here you have the Audiophile dilemma.
Suggestions from tossing it, as it is a chunk of crap anyway, to upgrading it for a thousand bucks..
Good luck, whatever course you choose.
(The speaker line fuse reads like a good idea. the least expensive safe route IMO.)
I am using this amp with a set of Meadowlark Swift. These are very easy to drive and the Hafler does a reasonable job. I use a Red Wine Audio modded Squeezebox 2 as a source and a Sunfire Reference preamp as a control unit. For almost zero investment, it ain't bad. I have heard worse for a lot more money. I am basically a tube man so the limitations especially in the midrange are apparent. My experience with alot of these large power amps is that they sound better when played louder than I normally listen. Tube in contrast seem to retain there dynamics at a lower volume level..Does anyone else feel the same?