Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Nak8, I do not understand how this technology works after reading all I can. What I do understand is when you hear it you know it is right and sounds much more live and correct. Not all recordings are as improved as much as others, but all benefit and some dramatically. Just read review of the qol unit in the latest TAS by Robert Harley with his super high-end system. He also is in love or lust as much as I am with his unit and it ain't going nowhere. ((smile)) Marc PS It is hard for me to listen to my car stereo much anymore, as I miss all the extra the qol unit brings into play. Long live qol, I need it every night!
Ron Buffington of Liquid HiFi here in Charlotte NC.

I am an authorized dealer for QOL and recently plugged in my demo unit and the effect is not subtle. Significantly larger soundstage, improved imaging with more air around instruments and musicians, improved depth of field.

I would be pleased to demonstrate the unit for any interested parties in the area in my systems or yours.

Marc777 got his from me and actually encouraged me to get involved with the QOL, and we are both very glad to have them in our systems
Or it will work in your system and sound great.

Hifigeek1, have you tried it and are you basing your opinion on actual experience?

I haven't tried it, but do feel strongly feel we should give the basis for our opinions here. Give a product and the possibility for real innovation a chance rather than dismissing it out of hand.

That said, if you audition a piece of new equipment, please put your critical hat on, compare it with as much as possible, and give it time to either grow on you or give it time for you to sour on it.

Let's be honest about the source of our stated opinions, our own personal listening preferences and the systems in which a piece of equipment is being evaluated.