Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
So Marc, would you say this device is something you put in after everything else? I mean, would you say it would be a higher priority then something like room correction or room treatments?
Marc, why does it sound like your panties are in a bunch? My responses above is from my experience demoing to the unit, not "theory".
I don't think the posts are negative, as you put it. The device may well sound fabulous. Frankly, I think most systems could benefit from some subtle eq and phase manipulation, but audiophiles are uniformly against such things on principle. Except for the bass, where a Rives is permitted under certain conditions. The question is not whether it sounds good. The discussion revolves around how it works and what it does with the signal. If you think it sounds good, who cares what anyone else thinks?
Kclone, I have a fairly big room (16'x34'x9') that is very open to a bigger room so I do not have major room issues as speakers are far from front, side and back walls. But I can say that when the qol is engaged the room seems to be less a factor by far. As far as why i am fired up is it is like you are taking a swipe at my hot lady and i took offense. Once you sample her wares you may be in the same boat.
Mark, Are you reffering to me at taking a swipe at it? I never took a swipe at it. I'm open minded about this and I appreciated the feedback you have provided to us.