Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
The point on cables is a good one. I was fortunate to have an extra pair of balanced cables that were the same that I use throughout. Adding a different cable for the Qol will result in the sound being different than what you are used to hearing. That in itself could lead to thinking it is bright or colored sounding.

But contrary to what others have posted, I think the unit needs some break in time, just as every other electronic components does.
Yes...we have experimented both ways and actually run it both ways on different sets up we have.

For our setups...again, this is for our specific setups. We run Qol behind the preamp in our higher end room with Cary FE211s tube amps and in front of the preamp in our more affordable setup with a Cary 200.2 solid state amp.

There are many reasons as to why one may feel it sounds better in one position or the other. Some reasoning may be scientific, some may be physiological, and others mental but the reason an audiophile should place it in one place or another should be governed by what makes your ears happy...."Listen to your Ears!"
V.curious about this thread. I've just installed a Black Hole (see my thread in 'loudspeakers') unit by SpatialComputer which has opened up the ambience and lowered the noise floor in my room, increasing dimensionality akin to surround sound, and this unit threatens to do more of the same.
On 6Moons a unit called NeutralAudio X-Drei seems to promise the same benefits as the BSG.
Any opinions on this unit?
I have the QOL on the way. I will try and post my impressions after a few days.