Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Peterayer, The Qol will be in addition to the isloation you've already done. I would not call it an active approach.
Ozzy, The device is in the signal path and adds gain. How is that not active?

Room treatments, speaker and listener locations are certainly passive. Adding isolation, racks, cones, feet etc is also passive, IMO.

I agree with Ozzy, this would be in addition to the tweaking you already did but to a much larger scale as what you did is not correcting phase.

There surely is a noticeable volume increase when Qol is engaged but it does not sound like when you hit the "Loud" button on your car stereo nor turn up the volume but rather it sounds like you are listening to more information. I would compare it to only playing one channel of your system,(Qol off). When you turn on the second channel, (Qol on), the rest of the music is now delivered and the signal and music is complete. Did you turn up the volume? simple delivered the rest of the music that is on the track.

I do see this technology moving its way not only into other hifi preamps and processors but also into the consumer market using the lesser digital algorithm of the technology. I think Larry Kay (Audiophile and HIFI enthusiast) will keep the highest quality analog version in the high end market. From a business sense, the hifi market is likely the low profit side while the licencing the digital algorithm to the consumer market is where that company will really prosper.
I heard the QOL device today while visiting with Dave Weinhart; of Weinhart Design in Los Angels; he had it after his EAR pre; and hooked up to EAR tubed amps; driving Magico M5's; source was Sooloos server running thru Star-tech dac, and I brought my own familiar music; and engaged the QOL on and off at my request.
I was an initial skeptic; but now I'm a convert; with this uber system; the sonic depth; detail, staging, decay, and 'meat on bones' improvement was not subtle. I plan on placing an order; that's how certain that what I was experiencing was real; and would help me enjoy the music in my own home system even more. While on one hand it does strike people as 'snake oil', or simply pressing the loudness button of an old stereo; it does make a significant sonic improvement; without causing harm; at least to my ears. I guess I echo the glowing endorsements of folks who have actually heard one. It would be nice if the price of admission went down; but I am now a believer.