Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Marc777, I have never taken mine out of my system again.
Awesome piece of equipment!
Ozzy Have you tried any mono yet? I am surprised more by it than stereo. In my system mono sounds like very good stereo with separation of instruments and air. You can stand in front of one speaker and still hear other speaker output. To me it helps much to enhance engagement to the music.
Kicking in a bit late on this thread (I have not tried the QOL yet) but Setonaudio's mention of room problems, odd shapes, etc brings up a good question, for me anyway.

I have one of those difficult rooms (open side, other issues) and I'd put a McIntosh MEN220 into the chain more than a year ago and it solved "the problem" (loss of upper bass signal). So, the MEN220 was a gamechanger for me. But because it is a sort of (for want of a better word) "processor" I am wary of what might happen if I thrust the QOL in there.

I do get the idea that I can try for free, of course. Any thoughts? Anyone else in the same boat?

You are much applauded for your prescient statement above that it will be going for muuuuuuch less when the bottom falls out. Well. we all know what it is going for now - 40% less in a recent screamimg ad. Ouch!