VTL ST-150 vs... ?

Hi all, I'm currently evaluating amps and so far the one I am "settling" on is the VTL ST-150. It has a big expressive sound with great, rich texture and natural timbre, but everything has faults and for me the VTL could use some more focused imaging and is a bit dark sounding. Plus, I would prefer solid state to avoid the heat and maintenance of tubes (class AB over class A would be great).

So, people who have owned or have experience with this amp, what have you moved onto or chosen over it in a similar price range ($1.5k - $2.5k used) and why?

Associated gear:
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor
Placette Passive Linestage
I certainly get richness with the Placette paired with the VTL, and to a lesser degree a Pass Aleph 3, and maybe even the Bel Canto C5i moreso than the Belles. It's probably the somewhat recessed vocals that is my biggest gripe with the Belles, but that's not to say it isn't a great amp, just my personal preference.

After more listening with the C5i, it is very good in terms of providing big, clear, and coherent sound with smooth, pleasing timbre, but when I started listening to Classical it just didn't do it for me. Violins were too... high pitched? I can't explain it, just not quite natural sounding, lacking the subtle nuances. I hate to use the word "bright" because it's not hard or hot on top in any way, but whereas I find the VTL a shade dark on rock and more dynamic music, I find the C5i a shade "light" on Classical and perhaps intimate acoustics. I don't listen to a ton of Classical, but I enjoy it nonetheless. If I hated it, I could easily live with the C5i.

I'm going to try a CJ MF2500A. It's going to be either that or the VTL for now. Even if the MF2500A falls a little short of the VTL, but at least gives me some of that lushness that I'm looking for, I'll probably go for it over practical concerns.

I would love to hear thoughts from somebody who has owned the MF2500A.

Thanks guys.
I went from the ST 150 on to the 185 Signatue Mono's and have not looked back. The 185's were noticeably "leaner" sounding, even after experimenting with different tubes,
but I have come to appreciate that in my current set up.

I also sent my VTL 5.5 line stage in and had it bumped from version 2 to version 3 which made a difference.
I had a favorite SS amp for years, and was amazed when going head to head with the 185's the SS amp couldn't duplicate the bass response of the tubes. Never tried the same comparo with the ST-150 but suspect similar results.

I am not one to get stuck on brand loyalty, but I do appreciate what VTL bringss to the table (house sound if you will) in all of their gear (had the 2.5 with phono stage, have the 5.5 LS), so I will move up their food chain again when the need arrises.
This has been an interesting thread regarding your dilemma,overall convenience or pure musical satisfaction.
With your experience with tube amplifiers you now know the inate natural-organic rightness of tone and realism that'good' tube amps can provide.

Once exposed to this attribute your ears will always recognize deviations from this. You could be content with some SS amps for a while but I suspect eventually you`ll drift back to tube power amplifiers. Ears are really something are`nt they.