What preamps outshine the Aesthetix Calypso?

I am interested in upgrading my preamp from the Calypso. It is a fine preamp, but I am looking for a preamp that is more dynamic and "involving". Ancillary equipment is the PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC/Transport, a VAC Phi 200 power amp, and Sehring 703 floorstanders. The VAC preamps seem a bit too expensive for my tastes. The TRL Dude is intriguing but is simply too heavy for my audio rack. So, I am considering linestages from EAR, Shindo, BAT, and possibly Audio Horizons

I know the Calypso is a fine preamp. Can anyone advise me on what preamps really outshine the Calypso? My budget is $5K or so.
What about a Audio Research Ref 3 or better;I always read about these as being some of the best of the best and resale if you don't like it should not be a problem.
Mcondon, sounds like you have taken the right actions to move forward with a well thought out plan. I am with you on the 6H30 tubes, as I have not been impressed with my limited experience with them.

The Ref 3 is a very good preamp as mentioned, it should also be noted there is a Ref. 5 at a good price right now on eBay!!! Or at least it looks like a good price to me???

I too have heard good things about the EAR preamps, though I am not sure if they are always available in balanced mode (which is important to me at least).

Personally, I am always hesitant with BAT, not because I don't like their products (I have owned 2 amps and one preamp of theirs), it just seems like they don't hold very good resale value??? I looked at the 51SE which one seller offered to me at well under $3K. I went with a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 instead.

I'd be tempted to look at the EAR preamps and it sounds like your dealer has them to allow you to audition, that's a huge plus.
That's a tough call... The ARC might be worth a try. You might try to stretch a bit and find a Callisto used....