What preamps outshine the Aesthetix Calypso?

I am interested in upgrading my preamp from the Calypso. It is a fine preamp, but I am looking for a preamp that is more dynamic and "involving". Ancillary equipment is the PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC/Transport, a VAC Phi 200 power amp, and Sehring 703 floorstanders. The VAC preamps seem a bit too expensive for my tastes. The TRL Dude is intriguing but is simply too heavy for my audio rack. So, I am considering linestages from EAR, Shindo, BAT, and possibly Audio Horizons

I know the Calypso is a fine preamp. Can anyone advise me on what preamps really outshine the Calypso? My budget is $5K or so.
Edorr ...not to highjack this thread..but how do you get HT bypass using analog input?

Makes this option interesting to me
That's easy. For this your DAC / Preamp needs to have a digital volume level display, and a step attenuator (the Zodiac Gold does). You can simply ask the maufacurer what volume level corresponds to "unity gain" (i.e. 0db attenuation).

You connect the HT mains to the analog input, set the DAC/Pre to this unity gain level and you're in business. In fact most HT bypasses in preamps work like this - they don't bypass the active circuit, but fix the level at unity gain.

If the maufacturer does not know you can find the unity gain level yourself using an SPL meter, but you don't even really have to. The manual will tell you the gain of the preamp and the Db increments. So if your preamp has 10db gain and 0.5 steps increments and has a scale of 0-140, you just set the level to 120.

Better still, you don't even have to be at precise unity gain, because after deciding what level to fix the DAC/preamp on, you next trim your channels on the MCH sourse (typically a SSP) using the SLP meter. This which would synch up all the chanels even if your DAC/Preamp is not at exact unity gain.
Edorr, I have tried the PW DAC straight into my VAC Phi 200. I even bought a Lightspeed Attenuator to try, given the supposed shortcomings of a digital volume control. After a few weeks, I just did not like the sound, as the soundstage seemed to collapse and the bass was MIA. I put the Calypso back in the chain and much preferred it to the amp-direct and passive preamp setup. Makes me think the Modwright might not float my boat.

The BAT preamps sound increasingly appealing. Most reviewers/owners impressions mention how they throw a really wide soundstage and provide really deep bass. If they are slightly dark, that is OK with me, as a lot of CDs sound a bit "peeky" in my current setup.
My short list of used preamps for $5K includes first and foremost Ayre K-1xe then VAC Renaissance followed by VTL 6.5

As you can imagine, all of the above rarely show up on the used market, although lately I've seen a few K-1xe's, (mostly due to the fact that the model is discontinued.)
I went from the Calypso to the Modwright 36.5 and think it is Dan's best work. I auditioned the Ref 3, CJ ACT and the VK51se before choosing the Modwright. I have the single box version and am quite happy. The bass response on the 36.5 I found better than the other units. I think Edorr's recommendation is a good one.