Gryphon Colosseum vs. Karan M2000 monoblocks

I've been on the search for desert island amplification to partner with my Sonus Faber Futuras for a while now. The contenders has been narrowed down to either the Gryphon Colosseum (Stereo) or the new Karan M2000 monoblocks. The price offered are more or less the same.

Preamp will probably be Gryphon Mirage or Pandora if going for the Colosseum, or the KA L Ref.MK3 if going for the Karan M2000. I'm also considering a tube preamp as an alternative - especially the Conrad Johnson GAT.

I would truly appreciate ANY feedback regarding these poweramps and brands. If anyone has experience with both, that would be most valuable.

Source will be Brinkmann Bardo/10.5 tonearm/Pi cartridge for analog playback. Digital playback is yet to be decided, but I'm using an Audio Aero Prestige SE at the moment.

My room is approx. 6x5 square meters. I'm mostly listening to small scale rock/pop/acoustic, classical and electronical music. The system will be used for music mainly, but also film.

The Colosseum is SS Class A...thru 2,560 continuous watts into 0.5ohm load...and always in Class A. So in other words, it instantly deliver dynamics at any level...and as a result the music becomes effortless.

Lloydelee21, your 2nd sentence is total B.S. The class-A nature of the Gryphon has no relationship to it delivering on dynamics instantly.
Do you mean to say that class-AB, class-D power amps do not deliver instantly on dynamics???
@Casouza: Thanks, I believe you're quite right regarding in which camp Karan belongs. I'm in a quite confusing situation right now to be honest, trapped inbetween extremes. I've heard Spectral + Magico recently, which I believe to be something very different to Karan + Sonus Faber. Both combos are extraordinary in their own right. The BIG question is what I want to live with in the long run. Fresh lemon juice or Hot delicate chocolate, that's the question :o)

@Bombaywally: I don't believe that's what Lloydelee21 is implying at all...
Hi Bombay,

No, Sidekick is right...that is not what i was implying. What i was (trying) to say is

the Class A amp is blowing full steam Class A at all times, and does not transition to Class B at any stage as you increase in dynamic range or volume.

Whenever i reduce the Class A bias on my Gryphon to a point where it is Class A/B, i can usually tell as i crank the does not have the magic anymore...which means to me something is happening as it transitions upwards into Class B.

Whereas, when it is full CLass A, i always seem to keep the magic, no matter how soft or how loud. i have always assumed this is because when it is the Class A bit which i enjoy.

Plus, all the SS amps i have enjoyed (Boulder 2060, Gryphon Antileon, Colosseum, Forte 4, older Krells)...are full-on non-stop Class A, i have always assumed it was because they are full Class A all the time and thus are "instantly" delivering Class A sound all the time.

Sidekick, when comparing amplifiers + speakers, remember to factor-in the source.
Magico does most of their demos with reel-to-reel master tapes, which gives them a HUGE head start (better, cleaner, more musical than CD or LP).

I have not compared Spectral + Magico to Karam + Sonus Faber, so I can not honestly say which one sounds better to my ears, however, I suggest that you pay attention to the source components and try to level the field by bringing your own recordings when auditioning.
Have fun!
@Casouza: Thanks. You're right ofcourse. I'm trying to do as much serious evaluation in my own system as practically possible. I've heard Magico V3 and Q3 with ARC(CD5) + Devialet as well as MBL(CD...) + Spectral(amps) btw.

My Sonus Faber Futuras arrived yesterday. They play beautifully from the first note. Extremely balanced and transparent while managing to obtain that critical flow and musicality. And yes, after fifteen years of using stand mount speakers, I've definately missed out on the lower frequencies, which not only gives the music foundation and solidity, but increased dimensionality as well.

Happy as a Clown right now. I'm also evaluating a new amplifier brand from Italy called "Absoluta" after a recommendation from my dealer (who believe these products to be the best match he's heard with Sonus Fabers, including rivals(high-end separates) from Krell, Vitus, McIntosh and Soulution among others. Hybrid preamp and transistor monoblocks. The short version is that I'm very, very impressed so far.