Gryphon Colosseum vs. Karan M2000 monoblocks

I've been on the search for desert island amplification to partner with my Sonus Faber Futuras for a while now. The contenders has been narrowed down to either the Gryphon Colosseum (Stereo) or the new Karan M2000 monoblocks. The price offered are more or less the same.

Preamp will probably be Gryphon Mirage or Pandora if going for the Colosseum, or the KA L Ref.MK3 if going for the Karan M2000. I'm also considering a tube preamp as an alternative - especially the Conrad Johnson GAT.

I would truly appreciate ANY feedback regarding these poweramps and brands. If anyone has experience with both, that would be most valuable.

Source will be Brinkmann Bardo/10.5 tonearm/Pi cartridge for analog playback. Digital playback is yet to be decided, but I'm using an Audio Aero Prestige SE at the moment.

My room is approx. 6x5 square meters. I'm mostly listening to small scale rock/pop/acoustic, classical and electronical music. The system will be used for music mainly, but also film.

I had a chat with Milan. He confirmed that as for now the only distributor in
North America is someone from Canada who is not distributing widely the product, in particular in US. Actually, Milan is looking for a new distributor for the US market.


Wow! Congrats! What preamp are you using? and speakers?

-- Ale

My thread is still alive :D

I'm using an Audio Aero La Fontaine CD/Pre directly to the Karan monos at the moment, but I'm planning to add an Aesthetix Callisto Eclipse preamp very soon. Speakers are Sonus Faber Futuras. Cabling is Kubala Sosna Elations + Nordost & Goldenote (power).

I believe I've reached a beautifully balanced combination of hifi & music. The Kubala Sosna Elations were added quite recently. These are amazingly natural "sounding" cables.
Hi Sidekick - nice system as i have noted before. However, what is Goldnote?

Will be curious to know if you prefer AA La Fontaine with Callisto or without. As good as the La F is by all accounts...that Callisto is quite a special piece from what i've read. I suspect you'll keep it. Pls keep us posted and enjoy!
Thanx :)

Goldenote is an Italian brand, most famous for their electronics I believe. I'm using their power cables for my front end at the moment. I haven't evaluated these much, but I find the Goldenote interconnects to be extremely transparent, open and neutral - for good and bad. The Goldenote interconnects were a perfect match with the Absoluta electronics (which I've evaluated earlier), which are on the warm side of the spectrum, but didn't work with Karan in my room and system, which I believe are much more transparent and honest to the source compared to Absoluta.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to try the Callisto. My guess is that AA La Fontaine will be the most transparent option, with much less obstacles in the signal path. But, transparency isn't everything, where the Callisto could hopefully add to the natural/organic qualities of my system with greater soundstage, body, weight and dynamics. Time will tell!

Thanks for the reply...very nice system indeed!

My system is:

Speakers: MBL 111F
CD Player: EmmLabs CDSA/SE
Preamp: MBi (Tube Preamp made in Italy)
Power Amp: Karan KAS 600
ICs: AudioQuest Sky + Acapella "La Musika" MKII
Speaker Cables: XLO Signature 5.2
Power Cables: AudioQuest NRG5 (PowerAmp), Transparent Reference (Pre), WhiteGold Infinito II (CD Player).

I like very much the combination of the SS Karan with a Tube Preamp.
So, I think you should like the addition of the Callisto.
Let us know!

-- Ale