Pre for Pass XA60.5

I am looking for a top pre amp to be combined with my Pass XA60.5 monoblocks. The rest of the system is composed of Avalon aspect speakers and a Wadia 381i.
An obvious possibility would be to use Pass XP-10 or 20. However, I thought a good matching tube amp might also be a good idea to get a special flavor into the system (but I would dislike a "tubish sound"). Has anyone compared different Pres in combination with the XA.5 series of Pass? Please let me know your experiences! Many thanks in advance!
I have Pass's 30.5 and 100.5 amps and I pair them with Conrad Johnson ART and ACT 2.2 tube preamps. I find them to be great preamps no matter what I hook them up to including some small triode amps.

Both of those pres are no longer current so used is your only option. New: I don't have experience with their newer ET line or their current flagship, the GAT. I have no desire to change what I have now. If I did, I would give their newer top tier stuff a chance. Good luck.
I have an XA30.5 and it sounds truly sublime. In my opinion it sounds like the best of what tubes and solid state can offer in one solution.

With that in mind, I would recommend you consider getting a totally transparent preamp. I'm using a Placette Audio Active preamp which is a match made in heaven with my amp. It also takes extra consideration to match it with your source as well.
Just received my VAC Ren. MKIII to go with my XA30.5 and my Wilson Sofia's all i can say is wow. No tubish sound here. Very transparent. I don't think you can't do any better. It has balanced outs which the pass likes very much.

It does everything just right. I bought it to help tame the tweeters which it did very well, but what was not expected was how well the mid's performed. Female voices will just make you melt. I believe I am finally off the merry go round. It sounds that good.
