Custom Builder For P/P Power Pentode Amplifier

Hello All,

This is not a request to debate the merits of SET vs Power Pentode (push/pull) amplification. Instead, it is a request to the community for recommendations for any custom builders you know of (e.g., Niteshade, Trafomatic) who are quite good at this craft of building a p/p power pentode amplifier. These will be integrated with speakers that are :

A 2-box ( per channel ) loudspeaker, where the full-range module (7” driver) is physically separated from the bass module. The latter has three 6.5” drivers into a 4 ‘ long horn. Bass module is driven by its own FET custom amplifier. Overall sensitivity 102 db/w/m. Nominal impedance 8 ohms and frequency response of 18Hz to 20Khz.

Again, this is not a request for arguments pro and con. I am beyond this now. It is a search for recommendations for the very best builders for this kind of amp. Many of the builders that are ofter shared are really into SET as opposed to what I am looking for.

Thanks for your help.
I bought a completely rebuilt fisher 400 years ago from Sam @ Sams Audio Labs and have been extreemly impressed with his work. He can build pretty much anything you want. Just a thought.
Amilcar, check out "Kolledog's" new listing for the JWN mono amps. Follow his advice to view the website of the man who built them. He is also an Audiogon member: Jimmynich. By the way, do you actually have an Amilcar? Cool!
You asked for "the very best builders" for a push-pull amp. That would definitely include Fred Volz. I have a custom pair of his push-pull Vita monoblocks that can take 6L6s, EL-34s, 6550s, KT-66s, KT-77s, KT-88s and KT-120s. I recommend them highly. Fred is also a great guy and fun to work with. Here's a link to the Custom page on his website:
Our friend, Sabocat59, had an amplifier built from JWN this past summer. It looked like an especially good product and deal. He was more than stoked about it.

Here's hoping he checks in with us soon.