Redgum amplifiers

Anyone else enjoying this Australian stuff? I just bought used RGi120 integrated . It does everything right in my system. Very very good. Volume control for each chanel is how every audiophile piece should be made. No lights anywhere, no remote, no preamp out. Minimalist design. Just great. Sounds powerful, balanced, clear and quite emotional. Not laid-back, not forward; space presentation is excellent. Fast but not hectic, handles the notes and silence in a quite delicate manner for a solid state amp.
Not well-known here in the States but I think it should be.
I was pretty impressed with that amp when I heard it. Great value and glad to hear you are enjoying it.
Haven't heard the Redgum but thought about it until I got the Burson PI-160 which is also from down under. Very similar to how you described it. There must be something in the water down there.
Also, customer service appears to be excellent. Before buying I contacted them through email and asked a few questions about the possibility of service and repairs in the future. The amp is eleven years old after all. They responded the same day and we exchanged a few messages. Very friendly and professional.