Redgum amplifiers

Anyone else enjoying this Australian stuff? I just bought used RGi120 integrated . It does everything right in my system. Very very good. Volume control for each chanel is how every audiophile piece should be made. No lights anywhere, no remote, no preamp out. Minimalist design. Just great. Sounds powerful, balanced, clear and quite emotional. Not laid-back, not forward; space presentation is excellent. Fast but not hectic, handles the notes and silence in a quite delicate manner for a solid state amp.
Not well-known here in the States but I think it should be.
Hi Inna
Yes i do infact have the Enr mm/mc version with the power supply upgrade , even though i use i mm cartridge
( Ortofon M2 black ) i decided to get the upgraded p/stage incase i decided to go mc in the future , the phonostage is very good , quite with a smooth character inline with the amplifier , as you can appreciate it was designed by the same company , so complements the amps sonics , one plus also is that Ian builds his amps with a mind set of being indestructible and has surge protection built in , so in theory no need for a external power conditioner , i love it , my amp has the remote control feature so i leave the key turned on permanently then use the remote to fire it up and then leave in standby . My amp is the 120enr 155wpc but came with test sheet reading 215wpc on test.
It has the wave heatsink on the bottom of the unit.

Thanks for raising the question. I was not familiar with the brand, thought it has apparently been around for quite a while. Your question led me to read some of the reviews over the years and it seems like a very interesting product line indeed. Good to bring these smaller, artisanal brands to a wider audience.
Thank you, Phil. I was just curious, no plans to use Redgum phono for now. I have Acoustech PH-1 designed by Ron Sutherland, it is very good for both MM and MC.
I too don't touch the key and use on/off switch on my Furman conditioner/stabilizer. I also use Custom Power Cord Co. Top Gun power cord with the Redgum, and with the phono stage, and with cd player.
215 watts must sound very powerful, no doubt.
Hi Inna
No problems at all , glad to give a bit of info from a long time owner , you can download a product brochure pack from the Redgum website its about 8mb from memory , has all reviews plus design features on all the product lines .
all you need to know in one handy file , yet again a great example of customer service .


Haven't heard these amps, but the praise they've had certainly put them on my radar. And they now offer a remote option!