Pass XP10, Ayre K-5xe, Calypso - Your Experience?

Hi, I acquired a pair of Harbeth C7ES-3 and am now putting together a system for these speakers.

Anyone has experience with the Pass XP10, Ayre K-5xe, Aesthetix Calypso, ARC LS-17 & 26, CJ ET-2 or ET-3? I know they're not in the same price range new or used.

For the Pass XP10, I might consider the XA 30.5 or X150.5.
As to Arye K-5xe, I'm looking at Ayre V-5xe.

For ARC LS 71 or 26, will they work with Pass XA 30.5 or X150.5 as far as output/input impedence is concerned? Any decent SS amp (at $2-3K) that works well with ARC pre-amp?

There're so many ARC power amp models (old ones). I have no idea which ones are good. Any recommendations? Same case for the CJ.

I don't have any chance auditioning these pre-amps yet. There's no Pass dealer in my living area.

Thank you.
I had the opposite experience with the Capri vs the Pass XP in my system. I found the Capri sterile and lacking bottom end. The Pass offers all that and then some in my system. I use Bel Canto Ref1000 mk2. Preamps are very system dependent and the only way to find out is to try one or more. I think they are the hardest component to get right.
Pass X.5 amps are frequently a more pleasant match to Harbeths than the XA.5. Harbeths with their low "Qts" can sound a little over damped on the XA's
I've just had a K5xemp followed by the Calypso in my system. The K5 took a while to break in sounding whooly and indistinct at first, a couple of weeks though and it was sounding very good. It had a fullsome yet transparent presentation and was tonally very good. The opportunity to grap a Calypso at a great price came about and I took it as I'd always wanted to try one. In my system its the more cerebral of the two, it delves deeper into the mix and resolves fine detail better, it takes me closer to the performance. If its muscle your after then the K5 delivers in a more upfront and still thoroughly enjoyable manner. In my system though I suspect most would take the Calypso which draws you into the performance and immeserses you to a greater degree.