Allnic L3000A

I'm in search for another preamp with output impedance lower than 250 ohms. Sonically, it need to be better than the ARC Ref 3. I've narrowed down to the Allnic L3000A. However, i just can't get an audition due to where i live. Therefore, i look for opinion on how the Allnic L3000A compare the the ARR Ref 3 and others good preamps at similar price bracket such as VTL 7.5 Series 2, used Dartzeel or maybe a push of the budget for the Soulution
This preamp will drive McIntosh MC501s and Wilson Sophia 3 with Esoteric K03, Linn LP12 lingo, 17D3 cart and may also get Allnic H3000A
Thanking you in advance
I would not buy w/o an audition. I recently upgraded my preamp. Considered Allnic, DarTzeel, Lamm, ARC and Pass. Sounds like you are only considering tubes ? If you will also consider SS, you must audition the new Pass XP-30, 3 chassis reference preamp. I'm stunned by the sound and you can audition one w/o risk. That was a problem with Allnic, Lamm, Dart and ARC.
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