MOSFET's vs Bipolar's

All else being equal, can one truly hear the difference between power amplifiers driven by MOSFET or Bipolar transistors? If there audible differences, are they due more to circuit design and other parts quality? Thanks to all who reply.
I have often read that Mosfets are often the choice of transistor amp designers who mean to emulate certain tube virtues.... Hmm.

One can also read that fuzziness, softened transients, smoothness/warmth and a small degree of thickening are also hallmarks of Mosfet Mist.

While I have owned Mosfet amps for which the above is certainly true - it would not be right to characterize all Mosfet amps that way.
Lateral power Mosfets from Exicon can be drop in replacements for many types of devices supplied by Toshiba and Hitachi. The Exicons supply 30% greater current have much greater speed and lower capacitance. In my particular amp they increased resolution and impact while reducing the overall grain structure of the whole sonic picture. Tom