Class D amps

I know Class D power amps are used in car audio applications. Why not for home audio power amps? Thanks.
As in everything implementation can mean success or not. Generally speaking, Class D amps have small size and little heat relative to the power they produce. Again, generally speaking, it is difficult to produce a very refined Class D amp that can compete in the higher echelons of Audiophiledom because of of their difficulty in the mids and high end of the audio spectrum. Vandersteen uses Class D amps to drive only the lows thus eliminating the problems and taking advantage of the benefits of Class D amplification. I believe there are many Class D amps that are incorporated to drive subs.
Class D amps aren't necessarily small, and/or at least not lightweight.

My Hypex amps I built have (1) 500va toroidal transformer per side, all Neotech solid core wiring, upgraded IEC, RCAs and binding posts. They are not light. And to answer the question above, my amps took hundreds of hours of PLAYING time to really shine.

I agree with Ciphercomplete. My amps sound nothing like how a number of professional reviewers have described them. I think their criticism is primarily snob appeal and protection of the well-established, high-end amp manufacturers who are clearly threatened by more efficient and cost effective technology. I can afford virtually any amp I want, but so far, I have not been tempted to purchase any other amps.

Hypex amps are the best I have had in my system (only after lots of hours) and Hypex has also announced a new amplifier, NCore, which they contend will meet or exceed the SQ of any SS amplifier technology available at any price. Time will tell whether this is simply marketing or if Bruno Putzey, has indeed, pushed the envelope on Class D.
Thanks to those who responded to my query with decency. I guess the all kinds to participate here no matter their apparent lack of manners.
Unsound: I wasn't aware that Audigon requires the step you mentioned in your "response" before posting. Didn't see it in the rules. I appreciate the intelligence and helpfulness of other responders. Those seem to embody the spirit of Audiogon.